Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

February 15, 2025

President's Day : A Cryptogram for English Learners

President's Day

This week's puzzle contains a quote from a former U.S. president—but there’s a twist! The letters were scrambled into a simple substitution cipher in which each letter of the alphabet was replaced with a number. Can your students break the code and find the words of wisdom hidden inside?

This activity is ideal for English or social studies classrooms, as it improves language skills, logical reasoning, and historical awareness. Encourage students to decode the message using letter frequency analysiscontext clues, and their understanding of presidential rhetoric.

After they have solved it, talk about the quote's meaning and its relevance today. And if you’d like to check your answer, the key to the cryptogram is included at the bottom of this post.

Good luck, and happy decoding!

January 08, 2025

Winter : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners


Below, you will find a printable winter vocabulary matching exercise that we created for busy teachers. This activity is perfect for learners of all ages and can be adapted for a variety of classroom settings. 

The exercise includes a collection of words related to winter. Students will match each word to its corresponding image, reinforcing word recognition and comprehension in an interactive way.

Here are some suggestions for incorporating this activity into your lesson plan:

1. Introduce the Vocabulary

Begin by introducing the words to your students. Discuss their meanings, use them in sentences, or brainstorm additional words related to winter. 

2. Encourage Collaboration

Have students work in pairs or small groups to complete the exercise. This promotes teamwork and provides opportunities for discussion about the vocabulary.

3. Extend the Learning

Once the activity is complete, consider follow-up steps such as:

  • Drawing their own winter scenes and labeling them with the vocabulary words.
  • Writing a short paragraph or story using the words they’ve learned.
  • Discussing their favorite winter activities or traditions.

We hope this exercise adds a spark of joy to your winter lessons and helps your students feel more confident in their language abilities. Feel free to share your feedback or ideas for using this activity—we love hearing how our resources support classrooms around the world!

Stay warm, and happy teaching!

Download a larger version by clicking on the image.

Winter : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Visit our TpT store, "Word Puzzle Corner," for more puzzles, including some freebies. 😇

December 21, 2024

Christmas : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners


We created a word search puzzle for children who want to practice Christmas-related English vocabulary. The words are hidden in every direction, including diagonally and backwards. If you find the puzzle too difficult and need the solution, please leave a comment, and I will try to upload it as soon as possible.

December 12, 2024

Christmas : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

See below for a Christmas-themed matching puzzle designed for English learners. If the puzzle is more difficult than expected, please refer to the solutions provided in the help section.  

December 05, 2024

Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

We created a word search puzzle for English learners which is provided below. The following words are hidden in the grid:

ant, bat, bee, camel, crocodile
fish, frog, grasshopper, ladybug, lizard
otter, shark, snake, squirrel, wolf.

If you click on the image, you can download a bigger version of the puzzle. Please leave a comment if we should publish the solutions, too.

October 16, 2024

Animals : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

We have created an animal-themed matching puzzle for English learners, which is available below. We hope your kids will like it. Similar puzzles have previously been published on this blog. You can find them by clicking the following links:

October 10, 2024

Elections : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

Elections are typically a pivotal moment in a country's history. This is especially true for elections held in the United States. As the elections approach, we wanted to help you get in the mood with an easy (or not so easy) word search puzzle. Enjoy!

May 13, 2024

Nature : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

In recent weeks, we have posted three nature-themed puzzles on the blog. Today's puzzle is the series' final installment. If you find it too difficult, it would be a good idea to go back and practice the necessary vocabulary using one of the previous exercises.

You can access them by clicking on the links below:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

April 29, 2024

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

We prepared a crossword puzzle with visual hints for English language learners, which you can find below. Should you find that it is too difficult for you to handle, I would recommend returning to one of the earlier exercises that makes use of the same vocabulary:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

April 15, 2024

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

We have made a word search puzzle for English learners, which you can find below. We used the same set of words in a previous exercise, so if you are not sure what they mean, go back and review the vocabulary before beginning to solve this one.

You can access the previous puzzle by clicking on the link:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

April 01, 2024

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Below is a matching exercise designed with English language learners in mind. If it proves too difficult, don't worry; simply scroll down to the help section for solutions.

This is the first installment of a series in which we will practice the same vocabulary through various puzzles. We plan to release them one after the other in the coming weeks. So, if you are interested, be sure to check back later.

March 18, 2024

In the Garden : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

In the last few weeks, we published several puzzles with a gardening theme on the blog. Today's puzzle is the last installment in the series for now. It is also the most difficult one, so if you find it too challenging, it would make sense to go back and learn the necessary vocabulary with the help of one of the previous exercises.

You can access them by clicking on the links below:

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

In the Garden : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

March 04, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

A crossword puzzle containing garden- or gardening-related words is provided below.  We gave you visual cues instead of explaining what the words in the squares mean.

Happy puzzle-solving!

February 19, 2024

In the Garden : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

A word search puzzle containing garden or gardening-related words is provided below. The words are hidden horizontally (left to right), vertically, and diagonally (top to bottom). 

Rather than giving away the words hidden in the grid, we put visual hints next to the puzzle. If you find a word in the grid, write it beneath the image to which it most closely relates.

Happy puzzle-solving!

February 05, 2024

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

See below for a matching exercise we made with a gardening theme for ESL students. I really hope that you do not find it to be too difficult, but if you do, scroll down to find the answers and commit the new words to memory. We plan to develop additional exercises that make use of the same vocabulary, so if you are interested, please take a moment to check back later.

January 09, 2024

Winter : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

Below, you will find a word search puzzle that can be useful for English learners. The words are hidden in the following directions: horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom and diagonally also from top to bottom. If you would like to solve a matching exercise that has the same vocabulary, you can find it by clicking on this link:

Winter : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

December 11, 2023

Winter : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Below, you can find a winter-themed matching exercise that we created for English learners. Hopefully, you won't find it too difficult, but if you do, just scroll down for the solutions and try to memorize the words you have not encountered so far. We are planning to create more exercises with the same vocabulary, so check back later if you are interested.

November 13, 2023

Fall : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

We previously created a matching exercise for you with autumn-related vocabulary. We used the same set of words to create a word search puzzle this time. If you want to practice these words, feel free to return to the first exercise, which is accessible via the provided link.

Fall : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

October 16, 2023

Fall : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Below, you'll discover a matching puzzle featuring fall-themed vocabulary where you must connect the words with the corresponding picture. I hope you won't find it overly challenging, but if you do, there's no need to worry. Simply scroll down to locate the solutions. Take the time to familiarize yourself with any unfamiliar words, and then return to the exercise to test your memory of them.

September 18, 2023

Vehicles : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

We created a series of exercises with vehicle words in the last few weeks for you. This is the last part of the series for now. This is a word cramble puzzle where you have to unscramble the letters to be able to match the words to the correct pictures. If you are lost, just go back to one of the previous exercises, for example, the matching puzzle on vehicles, and review the words with their help. But don't forget to come back to solve this puzzle, too :-) Enjoy!