Showing posts with label crosswords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crosswords. Show all posts

July 18, 2024

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for Chinese Learners

Below is a crossword puzzle that we have prepared specifically for Chinese language learners. If you discover that it is too challenging for you, I suggest going back to one of the previous tasks that uses the same vocabulary:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for Chinese Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for Chinese Learners

May 29, 2024

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for German Learners

We created a crossword puzzle for German learners which you can find below. If you find it too difficult, no problem, just go back to one of the earlier exercises that uses the same vocabulary:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for German Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for German Learners

May 07, 2024

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for Spanish Learners

We have created a crossword puzzle for Spanish learners, which you can find below. If you find it too difficult, I recommend going back to one of our previous exercises that used the same vocabulary and reviewing the words with their help:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for Spanish Learners

April 29, 2024

Nature : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

We prepared a crossword puzzle with visual hints for English language learners, which you can find below. Should you find that it is too difficult for you to handle, I would recommend returning to one of the earlier exercises that makes use of the same vocabulary:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

April 21, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for Hungarian Learner

A crossword puzzle designed for students of the Hungarian language can be found below. Crossword puzzles are a favorite of ours because, in addition to being fun, they present us with the opportunity to acquire new vocabulary and enhance our language skills. Whether gardening is a hobby or a necessity for you, you can learn some useful vocabulary about the subject by working through this puzzle. Let's start!

April 13, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for French Learners

Below is a crossword puzzle that can help you learn French. It is fun and easy to learn new words with crossword puzzles, so we love doing them. This puzzle is all about words that have to do with gardening. Whether you do it for fun or because you have to, you can learn some useful words. Let's get started!

March 28, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for Chinese Learners

Below you will find a crossword puzzle that we created for Chinese language learners. With this puzzle you can learn some useful gardening-related words; I hope you will enjoy solving it.

March 20, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for German Learners

Below is a crossword puzzle that can help you learn Spanish vocabulary. It is fun and easy to learn new words with crossword puzzles, so we love doing them. This puzzle is all about words that have to do with gardening. Enjoy solving it!

March 12, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for Spanish Learners

A crossword puzzle for Spanish language learners is available below. We love crossword puzzles because they can help us learn new words and improve our language skills, while also being enjoyable. This puzzle focuses on gardening-related words, so whether gardening is a hobby or a necessity for you, you can learn some useful vocabulary about the subject. Let us begin!

March 04, 2024

In the Garden : A Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

A crossword puzzle containing garden- or gardening-related words is provided below.  We gave you visual cues instead of explaining what the words in the squares mean.

Happy puzzle-solving!

October 22, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

I want to share a crossword puzzle focused on vehicles with you. It's a fantastic way to challenge yourself and have some enjoyable moments. Should you wish to review your vehicle vocabulary before diving into the puzzle, here's a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. This exercise will help you become more familiar with the terminology. Have a great time! 

October 14, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for French Learners

I'm publishing here a vehicle-themed crossword puzzle for your enjoyment. It's a great opportunity to put your knowledge to the test while having some fun. If you'd like to refresh your memory on vehicle-related terms before attempting the puzzle, there's a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. This exercise will help you become more acquainted with the terminology. Have a blast! 

October 06, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for Dutch Learners

I'd like to share a crossword puzzle centered around vehicles with you. It's a fantastic way to test your knowledge and have some enjoyable moments at the same time. This occasion is very special because this is the first time that we have published a puzzle for Dutch learners on the blog. Enjoy! 😊

September 28, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for Chinese Learners

I'm publishing here a vehicle-themed crossword puzzle for you to enjoy. It's a fun way to challenge your knowledge. If you'd like to refresh your vehicle vocabulary before attempting the puzzle, check out this link to a matching exercise on vehicles. It will help you get acquainted with the terms. Have a great time! 

September 20, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for German Learners

I hope you enjoy crossword puzzles! Below you can find one. It's a fun challenge that will test your knowledge of vehicles. If you want to practice beforehand, here you can find a link to a matching exercise on the same topic. It's a great way to brush up on your vehicle vocabulary. Have a great time solving the puzzles!

September 12, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for Spanish Learners

I am going to share a crossword puzzle about vehicles with you. It is a great way to put your knowledge to the test while also having fun. If you want to practice your vehicle vocabulary before tackling the puzzle, here's a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. It will assist you in becoming acquainted with the terms. Have fun!

September 04, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for English Learners

Below, I am sharing with you a crossword puzzle on vehicles. It's a great way to test your knowledge and have some fun. If you want to brush up on your vehicle vocabulary before attempting the puzzle, here is a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. It will help you familiarize yourself with the terms. Have fun! 

September 02, 2023

Describing Sceneries : A Crossword Puzzle for Intermediate French Learners

Below, you can find a crossword puzzle made for intermediate learners. It contains various descriptive words related to scenery. Take your time and try to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Once you have completed the puzzle, you can review the answers to see how well you did. This exercise will not only help you expand your vocabulary but also enhance your ability to express your travel experiences in a more vivid and engaging way. Enjoy the challenge!

August 25, 2023

A Crossword Puzzle for Korean Learners

Below is a crossword puzzle designed specifically for low-intermediate Korean learners. I hope you do not find it too difficult, but if you do, do not worry: the solution is at the bottom of this blog post.

August 09, 2023

Describing Sceneries : A Crossword Puzzle for Intermediate German Learners

You can practice descriptive words by solving the crossword puzzle below. By focusing on scenery-related words, learners gain practical vocabulary they can readily apply while sharing their travel memories. I hope you will find this exercise useful. In my opinion, incorporating crossword puzzles into language learning fosters an immersive and interactive experience.  So let's get started.