August 20, 2024

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Below, please find a word search puzzle that we have created specifically for Hungarian learners. It is designed to help reinforce the vocabulary that we have been working on in our previous exercise. I believe it will be a fun and engaging way for you to practice your Hungarian skills.  Please take a moment to review the vocabulary before solving it.

You can access the previous puzzle by clicking on the link:

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners


Find the following words in the grid:

árvíz, erdő, fa, földrengés, hegy

hullám, kagyló, légy, levél, mókus

rét, sivatag, sziget, szivárvány

tó, veréb, villám, völgy

Nature : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners