Learning vocabulary related to sports is crucial for anyone interested in the field. It not only enhances communication but also provides a deeper understanding of the sport. The presented exercise offers an opportunity to improve your vocabulary and test your knowledge. The exercise comprises 14 sentences with missing words; the words are listed in alphabetical order above the sentences. You are expected to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words, using each word only once. The exercise provides a fun and engaging way to learn and test your knowledge of sports-related vocabulary.
July 16, 2023
July 08, 2023
Sports : Matching Exercise for French Learners
Welcome to a new exercise about sports! In this post, we present 14 sentences about sports with blank spaces. Your task is to complete the sentences by filling in the missing words, which are listed in alphabetical order just above the sentences. Each word can only be used once. So, let's get started and see how many you can get right!
February 12, 2023
Missing Letters in Hungarian Words
Examine the images, then fill in the blanks to make the words complete. Just a warning: The number of letters missing from the words does not correspond to the length of the underline symbol. Most likely, you'll find that this exercise is very simple, but if not, all you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the solutions.
February 04, 2023
Missing Letters in French Words
Look at the pictures and write the missing letters to complete the words! Just a heads up: The length of the underline symbol does not correlate with the number of letters missing from the words. Most likely, you will find this exercise to be very simple, but if not, simply scroll down to the end of this blog post to find the answers.
January 27, 2023
Missing Syllables in Korean Words
After viewing the illustrations, complete the missing syllables in the words. You can find the answers at the bottom of this blog post if you don't think this exercise is that simple.
January 19, 2023
Missing Letters in Chinese Words
Fill in the blanks in the words after looking at the illustrations. The length of the underline symbol corresponds to the number of letters that are missing from the words. If you don't think this exercise is that easy, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the solutions.
January 11, 2023
Missing Letters in German Words
Look at the illustrations, then complete the gaps in the words. Just a heads up: The length of the underline symbol does not match the number of letters missing from the words. You will probably find this exercise to be quite simple, but if not, simply scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the answers.
January 03, 2023
Missing letters in Spanish Words
Examine the images, then fill in the blanks to make the words complete. Just a warning: The number of letters missing from the words does not correspond to the length of the underline symbol. Most likely, this exercise will be very simple for you, but if it isn't, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the solutions.
December 26, 2022
Missing Letters in English Words
Look at the pictures and write the missing letters to complete the words! Just a quick warning: The length of the underline symbol does not predict how many letters are missing. Probably you will find this exercise very easy, but if you don't, just scroll down to the end of this blog post where you will find the answers as usual.
July 31, 2022
Missing Letters in Captions. An Exercise for Hungarian Learners
You will find below 10 pictures with captions. If you look at them closer, you will see that the words have missing letters. This time not only vowels.
Your task is to fill in the missing letters.
July 24, 2022
Wow! The vowels are missing!
Complete the Hungarian words with the missing letters.
The letter "a" is missing 18 times,
the letter "á" 11 times,
the letter "e" 42 times (!),
the letter "é" 15 times,
the letter "i" 13 times,
the letter "í" 2 times
the letter "o" 9 times,
the letter "ö" 4 times,
the letter "ő" 4 times,
the letter "ü" 3 times.
July 23, 2022
French Missing Letters
You can find ten pictures with captions below. However, the captions have missing letters. Your task is to fill them in.
July 16, 2022
Missing letters in French Words -- An exercise with audio
There are a few sentences with lots of blank spaces below. Your task is to fill in the blanks.
If you are having trouble understanding the text on your own, don't panic. A list of all the letters that are missing and a brief audio file are your two options for assistance. Just play the audio if you get lost. I'm sure, you will benefit from it.
J_ v__s d_nn_ tr__s fr_ncs.
M. _t Mm_ L__r_nt v__l_nt s_rt_r c_ s__r.
V__l_z-v__s m'__d_r, M_ns___r.
P__r q__ _ch_t_z-v__s d_s c_d___x?
J_ n_ v__s __ p_s v_ d_p__s tr__s _ns.
_t_s-v__s c_nt_nt d_ v_tr_ tr_v__l?
J_ m_ng_ _ l_ m__s_n.
J_ v__x _cr_r_ _n_ l_ttr_ _ m_n _m_.
L_ ch__ff__r _rr_t_ l_ c_r.
J_ m_ r_v__ll_ t_t.
July 08, 2022
Missing Syllables in Korean Words
June 22, 2022
Berufe -- Vokalsuche
Wieder ein Arbeitsblatt für Sie oder Ihre Schüler. Die Aufgabe ist es, die Wörter mit den fehlenden Vokalen zu ergänzen. In ein paar Wochen kehren wir noch zu diesen Bildern zurück.
April 13, 2022
A Cloze Exercise in German -- VERBEN
Here is a cloze exercise for German learners.
Your task is to fill in the sentences with the correct form of the word on brackets.
Heute habe ich einen sehr interessanten Mann ____________________. (kennenlernen)
____________ du _______ ins Schwimmbad? (mitkommen)
Die letzten zwei Wochen habe ich im Bett ____________. (liegen)
Gestern _______ ich krank. (sein)
Ich habe leider den Bus ____________ . (verpassen) Der nächste ___________ in einer halben Stunde _____. (abfahren)
__________ Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular _______! (ausfüllen)
Vor zwei Stunden _______ wir in Berlin _________________ . (ankommen)
Ich habe meinen Laptop _________________ . (mitbringen)
Wir haben im Hotel ein Doppelzimmer _______________. (reservieren)
Was hast du _______________ ? (sagen)
_________ nicht so laut! (sprechen) Das Kind ____________ noch. (schlafen)
I will post the solution in a week and link the new post with the correct sentences HERE.
April 05, 2022
A Cloze Exercise in Spanish for beginners
¿___________ empezamos?
¿___________ es tu cumpleaños?
¿___________ quiere hablar?
¿___________ viene Juan?
¿___________ haces ahora? ¿Estás traduciendo un artículo?
¿___________ está Maria? Sin ella no podemos empezar.
¿___________ vamos ahora?
¿___________ trabajas en esta empresa?
¿___________ quieres ver esa película? Pienso que es aburrida.
¿___________ llama a la puerta?
¡Hola, Mark! ¿___________ estás?
¿___________ libro quieres leer esta semana?