April 29, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for French Learners

This blog post contains a simple crossword puzzle about animals that we created for French learners. This fun exercise will challenge your vocabulary and entertain you at the same time! So grab a pencil and prepare to fill in the blanks with the names of these cute and/or majectic animals!

April 27, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Chinese Learners

In this article, you'll find a set of 12 animal pictures, accompanied by a section of their names. Your challenge is to match the pictures with their correct names, which may be tricky as the characters and syllables are jumbled up. To successfully complete the task, you'll need to unscramble the words first. While the answer is provided at the end of the article, it's recommended that you try to solve the puzzle without peeking.

April 25, 2023

Fruits: A Matching Exercise for Spanish Learners

We have created a matching exercise for Spanish language learners in this blog post. Matching exercises are great because they are easy, and you can increase your vocabulary while also having fun by matching pictures to their names. Let's start and see how many fruits you can match correctly!

April 23, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for Hungarian Learners : A Matching Puzzle

Below is a matching exercise in which you must match Hungarian words with images of everyday kitchen objects. It's ideal for those looking for a challenge and who already know about 1,000 Hungarian words. Don't give up if you find the task difficult! Simply scroll to the bottom of this blog post to find the vocabulary needed to complete the puzzle. Let's get started!

April 21, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for Korean Learners

There are ten small crossword puzzles and ten animal images in this blog post. Your task is to horizontally insert the correct Korean words into the crosswords. Once you have finished, you can locate an animal name vertically in the gray squares. Once you have the names of every animal, all that remains is to number the images. Do you feel up to the task? I hope so. Let's begin, then!

April 19, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners

Here are 12 pictures of various animals along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them correctly. However, the task is made more difficult by the names being mixed up. You must first unjumble the words in order to succeed. Although the answer is provided at the end of this article, I urge you to try without looking.

April 17, 2023

Fruits: A Matching Exercise for English Learners

In this blog post, we have put together a matching exercise for English learners. By matching pictures of fruits with their corresponding names, you'll not only improve your vocabulary, but also have fun! So, let's get started and see how many fruits you can correctly match!

April 15, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for French Learners : A Matching Puzzle

Prepare to expand your French vocabulary with this exercise in which you must match French words to images of common kitchen items. It's perfect for those looking to challenge themselves and who have already learned close to 1,000 French words. If you find the exercise too difficult, don't give up! Just scroll down to the end of this blog post, where you can find the vocabulary needed to solve this puzzle. So, let's get started!

April 13, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for Chinese Learners

Welcome to our blog post, which features a fun crossword puzzle about animals for Chinese language learners. Although not the simplest, this can be accomplished, especially because the vocabulary needed to complete the puzzle can be found at the end of this blog post. 😃So, if you don't mind a challenge, grab a pencil and get ready to fill in the blanks with the pinyin names of some of your favorite animals!

April 11, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Spanish Learners

Below are 12 images of different animals, accompanied by a list of their names. Your job is to match them correctly. However, the names are jumbled, making the task more challenging. To succeed, you need to unscramble the words first. The solution is available at the end of this article, but I encourage you to try without peeking.

April 09, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Positive quote
Below, you'll find a word search puzzle. The grid features Hungarian terms that relate to positive emotions or positive personal qualities. Your task is to discover them all and list them under the grid in alphabetical order. To help you, we've provided the first letter of each word. The terms can be found in every possible direction, so the puzzle is not easy...
If you find it TOO challenging, no problem. Just scroll down to the bottom of this article to reveal the words hidden in the grid. But first, try to solve the puzzle on your own without any help. Good luck! 

April 07, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for Korean Learners : A Matching Puzzle

In the exercise below, you can match Korean words with pictures of common kitchen items. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary in this area. For those who have already learned close to 1,000 Korean words and want to challenge themselves, this puzzle is an excellent exercise. Let's get started!

April 05, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for German Learners

Welcome to our new blog post, where we have an entertaining and simple crossword puzzle for German learners! This crossword will test your vocabulary of animals. Get ready to fill in the blanks with the names of these amazing creatures!

April 03, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

12 images of various animals are shown below, along with a list of their names. Your job is to match them. The task is not as simple as it seems, though, because the letters in the animal names are jumbled, as you can see if you look at the words more closely. Therefore, you must unscramble them before you can match them to the appropriate images. The answer is at the end of this article, but I sincerely hope you won't need to look it up right away.

April 01, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for French Learners

Positive quote
You can find a word search puzzle below. The French words in the grid describe admirable traits in people or pleasant feelings. Find them all, then list them under the grid in alphabetical order. In order to help you with your efforts, we gave away the first letters of every word. 

However, if you think the exercise is too difficult without knowing which words are hidden in the grid, just scroll down to the bottom of this article to find them. 

The words are hidden in every possible direction. So, let's find them!