April 01, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for French Learners

Positive quote
You can find a word search puzzle below. The French words in the grid describe admirable traits in people or pleasant feelings. Find them all, then list them under the grid in alphabetical order. In order to help you with your efforts, we gave away the first letters of every word. 

However, if you think the exercise is too difficult without knowing which words are hidden in the grid, just scroll down to the bottom of this article to find them. 

The words are hidden in every possible direction. So, let's find them!


Word Search Puzzle

A______, C______, C______, C______, C______

E______, G______, G______, G______, G______

H______, J______, O______, P______, P______

R______, S______, S______, V______


Amour, Compassion, Confiance, Courage, Créativité

Empathie, Générosité, Gentillesse, Grâce, Gratitude

Honnêteté, Joie, Optimisme, Patience, Persévérance

Respect, Sagesse, Sérénité, Vitalité