October 16, 2024
Animals : A Matching Puzzle for English Learners
September 04, 2023
Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for English Learners
Below, I am sharing with you a crossword puzzle on vehicles. It's a great way to test your knowledge and have some fun. If you want to brush up on your vehicle vocabulary before attempting the puzzle, here is a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. It will help you familiarize yourself with the terms. Have fun!
July 13, 2022
Wortsuche für Kinder
There is a simple word search puzzle for young children below. The words can be found horizontally (from left to right) and vertically (from top to bottom).
This time I do not list the 15 words which are hidden in the puzzle. Because of the German orthography it should be a piece of cake to solve it anyway. :-)
July 05, 2022
Sopa de letras para niños
Aquí estoy publicando un rompecabezas para niños. Ellos deben encontrar las palabras siguientes en la cuadrícula:
alacena, alfombra, aspiradora, cortina, escalera, horno, lavadora, mesa, pared, puerta, reloj, silla, sillón, sofá, televisión
Las palabras se pueden encontrar horizontalmente (hacia delante) y verticalmente (hacia abajo).
June 27, 2022
A Word Search Puzzle for Kindergarden Children
I am posting a new puzzle today, this time for kindergarden children.
This is a word search puzzle with easy words. They can be found horizontally (from left to right) and vertically (from top to bottom).