Showing posts with label Hungarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungarian. Show all posts

April 07, 2024

In the Garden : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

We created a word search puzzle with gardening-related words for Hungarian learners, which can be found below. Words are hidden horizontally (left to right), vertically, and diagonally (top to bottom).

Instead of revealing the words hidden in the grid, we placed visual hints next to the puzzle. If you come across a word in the grid, write it beneath the image to which it is most closely related.

Happy puzzle-solving!

March 24, 2024

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

See below for a gardening-themed matching exercise we created for Hungarian learners. I sincerely hope you do not find it too challenging, but if you do, scroll down to get the solutions and memorize the new vocabulary. If you are interested, please take a moment to check back later, as we intend to create more exercises using the same vocabulary.

February 25, 2024

Winter : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learner

Below, you will find a word search puzzle that we created for Hungarian learners. Look for the words horizontally, from left to right; vertically, from top to bottom; and diagonally, from top to bottom. Have fun!

January 28, 2024

Winter : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

We have created a matching exercise with a winter theme for Hungarian language learners, which is provided below. I hope you do not find it overwhelming; however, if you do, simply scroll down to find the solutions and make an effort to commit to memory the words you have not yet encountered. Please return later if you want to find the additional exercises that we plan to develop using the same vocabulary.

December 31, 2023

Fall : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

A few weeks ago, we created a matching game with words associated with autumn. This time, we used the same list of words to create a word search puzzle. If you want to review these words, you can go back to the first exercise at any time by clicking the link provided.

Fall : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

December 03, 2023

Fall : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Below, you will find a fall-themed matching puzzle created for Hungarian learners. Your task is to connect the words with the corresponding pictures. If you find the puzzle to be too challenging, don't worry: scroll down to the Vocabulary Section and familiarize yourself with the words first. But then, don't forget to return to the exercise to test your memory!

November 05, 2023

Vehicles : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

The past few weeks have seen the release of a significant number of vocabulary exercises pertaining to various types of vehicles. For now, this puzzle is the last one in this series. We have a word scramble game for you to solve in this section. You have to figure out what the jumbled letters mean and then match them with the correct pictures. If you are having trouble remembering the words, you should go back and look at an older exercise, such as the crossword puzzle on vehicles or our vehicle-themed matching puzzle. In any case, I think it's worth it to come back and finish this puzzle as well. Enjoy yourself!

October 22, 2023

Vehicles : An Easy Crossword Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

I want to share a crossword puzzle focused on vehicles with you. It's a fantastic way to challenge yourself and have some enjoyable moments. Should you wish to review your vehicle vocabulary before diving into the puzzle, here's a link to a matching exercise on vehicles. This exercise will help you become more familiar with the terminology. Have a great time! 

October 08, 2023

Vehicles : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Scroll down to find a vehicle matching puzzles just below. The task is clear: associate the words with the corresponding vehicle visuals. I have no doubt you'll breeze through this. For more opportunities to practice these terms, don't forget to explore the vehicle word search puzzle we've shared in our blog post.

September 24, 2023

Vehicles : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Welcome to our word search puzzle! In this challenge, you'll need to find 15 hidden words in the grid that match the provided pictures. Word search puzzles are not only enjoyable but also an excellent way to enhance your vocabulary and language comprehension. So, let's begin and don't give up until you solve this linguistic quest!

August 27, 2023

Summer : A Matching Exercise for Hungarian Learners

Grab your sun hat and prepare for our summer-themed matching exercise! This activity contains 15 charming images that paint a picture of the season. Your task is to match each of these images to the appropriate word. So let's get started and learn some cool new Hungarian words this summer!

August 13, 2023

Summer Vocabulary : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Experience a summer adventure while improving your Hungarian vocabulary and spelling skills by trying our summer-themed word search puzzle. This engaging exercise is perfect for Hungarian learners who want to practice their vocabulary while relaxing under a tree or in the comfort of a cozy room. The words should be searched in every direction, as usual.

July 30, 2023

Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

I have created a word search puzzle for you to help you practice animal vocabulary in Hungarian. Finding each animal word concealed within the puzzle gives you a satisfying sense of accomplishment, which further motivates and supports ongoing language learning. So let's get started!

July 16, 2023

Sports : A Cloze Exercise for Hungarian Learners

Learning vocabulary related to sports is crucial for anyone interested in the field. It not only enhances communication but also provides a deeper understanding of the sport. The presented exercise offers an opportunity to improve your vocabulary and test your knowledge. The exercise comprises 14 sentences with missing words; the words are listed in alphabetical order above the sentences. You are expected to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words, using each word only once. The exercise provides a fun and engaging way to learn and test your knowledge of sports-related vocabulary.

July 02, 2023

Sports : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

We launched a new sports-themed series for you two weeks ago. The first puzzle was a matching game in which you had to match 16 different images with their Hungarian names. We have now created a new puzzle with the same vocabulary. The word search puzzle shown below requires you to find all of the hidden words within the grid. As usual, finding the words may be difficult because they can be found in any direction...

If you have not already, I recommend starting with the first matching task related to sports. My hope is that you will not only enjoy these exercises, but that they will also help you to solidify your spelling and understanding of these words.

June 18, 2023

Sports : A Matching Exercise for Hungarian Learners

Sports is, in many respects, an important topic. Sports can contribute not only to personal but also to economic development by creating job opportunities in fields such as coaching, event management, and sports marketing. Sports can also generate revenue for local businesses through tourism and the sale of sports-related merchandise. In spite of its importance, we do not have much sports-related vocabulary on the blog yet. Now this will change because we are planning a series of exercises, all of them about sports. The first in this series can be found below. We hope you will find that the words in it help when talking with your Hungarian-speaking friends.

June 04, 2023

Fruits: A Matching Exercise for Hungarian Learners

In our most recent blog post, you can find a matching exercise. We enjoy matching games a lot because they are entertaining and helpful for language learners. By putting fruit pictures and their names together, you can quickly expand your vocabulary on this subject. Check it out and see how many fruits you can correctly match.

May 21, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

This article contains a collection of 12 animal images accompanied by a section that lists their names. The names are mixed up, making it a bit difficult to match them with the correct picture. To solve the task, you need to unscramble the words first. Even though the answer is given at the end of the article, it's suggested that you try to solve the puzzle independently.

May 07, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Below is a fun and easy crossword puzzle about animals for Hungarian learners. This crossword will challenge your vocabulary and test your knowledge of the animal kingdom, whether you're a beginner or just looking for a quick activity. You can print out the puzzle and then fill in the blanks with the Hungarian names of your favorite animals!

April 23, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for Hungarian Learners : A Matching Puzzle

Below is a matching exercise in which you must match Hungarian words with images of everyday kitchen objects. It's ideal for those looking for a challenge and who already know about 1,000 Hungarian words. Don't give up if you find the task difficult! Simply scroll to the bottom of this blog post to find the vocabulary needed to complete the puzzle. Let's get started!