Below, you will find a fall-themed matching puzzle created for Hungarian learners. Your task is to connect the words with the corresponding pictures. If you find the puzzle to be too challenging, don't worry: scroll down to the Vocabulary Section and familiarize yourself with the words first. But then, don't forget to return to the exercise to test your memory!
esernyő --- umbrella
esik az eső --- it's raining
felhő --- cloud
fenyőtoboz --- pinecone
fúj a szél --- the wind is blowing
gereblye --- rake
gesztenye --- chestnut
ködös az idő --- it is foggy
levelek --- leaves
madárijesztő --- scarecrow
makk --- acorn
pocsolya --- puddle
szántanak --- they plow
szénakazal --- haystack
szüret --- harvest