You will find a matching puzzle with fall-themed vocabulary below, where you must connect the words with the corresponding picture. I really hope it will not be too difficult for you, but if it is, no problem; you can find the solutions by scrolling down. Learn the meaning of any words you do not know, and then come back and put your knowledge to the test.
brumeux (11)
châtaigne (2)
épouvantail (6)
feuilles (8)
flaque d'eau (10)
gland (5)
labourer (9)
meule de foin (14)
nuage (3)
parapluie (13)
pluie (15)
pomme de pin (7)
râteau (12)
récolte (1)
venteux (4)
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You can find more puzzles in our TpT store "Word Puzzle Corner".
This collection is intended for French learners; we will add more in the coming weeks: