We created a winter-themed matching exercise for German learners that you can find below. If you are finding it too challenging, simply go to the vocabulary section and attempt to learn the unfamiliar terms. Please check back later if you are interested as we intend to create more exercises using the same vocabulary.
frost : Frost
gloves : Handschuhe
ice : Eis
ice skating : Eislaufen
icicle : Eiszapfen
mittens : Fäustlinge
overcoat : Mantel
pine tree : Kiefer
Santa Claus : Weihnachtsmann
scarf : Schal
sleigh : Schlitten
snowman : Schneemann
snowstorm : Schneesturm
to melt : schmelzen
to ski : Ski laufen
to sneeze : niesen
to snow : schneien
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Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:
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