September 29, 2022

Professions in Chinese : A Word Scrambe and a Quiz


Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching activity featuring words related to professions in Chinese. You now have the opportunity to practice those words again with two new exercises: a word scramble and a quiz.

The word scramble

Using their Chinese translations, unscramble the English words.

NERTPTERIER --- 口译员 kǒuyì yuán

CRRYBEAIKL --- 瓦工 wǎgōng

CTEEHAR --- 老师 lǎoshī

GAEDRNER --- 园丁 yuándīng

REWITR --- 作家 zuòjiā

IRPTAEN --- 画家 huàjiā

EMNIR --- 矿工 kuànggōng

BARRNIILA --- 图书管理员

ERKBA --- 面包师 miànbāo shī

RBAREB --- 理发师 lǐfǎ shī

CFEH, OOCK --- 厨师 chúshī

NERISG --- 歌手 gēshǒu

RECAND --- 舞蹈家 wǔdǎo jiā

TARCO --- 演员 yǎnyuán

The Quiz 

You can now test your memorization by taking the quiz below, where you'll be asked to fill in the blanks with the appropriate Chinese words. Before beginning the test, review the words carefully because only the ones listed above will be recognized.

September 27, 2022

Verduras y legumbres : Sopa de letras

 A Word Search Puzzle

Corn / Maíz

Find the following words in the grid below:

alcachofa, espárragos, frijoles, remolacha, pimiento morrón
brócoli, coles de Bruselas, repollo, zanahoria, coliflor, apio,
maíz, pepino, berenjena, hinojo, ajo, jengibre, cebolla verde

September 25, 2022

Földrajz : A word scramble puzzle for Hungarian learners



Unscramble the Hungarian geography related words. This is a bit more difficult exercise than usual but I hope you can solve it anyway! If cou are stuck, scroll down to the help section where you will find some extra hints. 

September 23, 2022

Professions in Korean : 직업

 A Matching Exercise

Today I am publishing a matching exercise for those of you learning Korean. I don't think it's too difficult, but if you get lost, scroll down to the vocabulary section to find the words as well as their pronunciation and definitions.

Professions in Korean


가수 gasu --- singer

광부 gwangbu --- miner

September 21, 2022

Professions / Berufe : A Word Scramble and a Quiz for German Learners


Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching exercise featuring German words associated with professions. With two new exercises—a word scramble and a quiz—you now have the chance to review those words.

Painter / Maler

The word scramble

With the help of their German equivalents, unscramble the English words.

NERTPTERIER --- Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherin

CRRYBEAIKL --- Maurer, Maurerin

CTEEHAR --- Lehrer, Lehrerin

September 19, 2022

Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle


Fennel : An Illustration

Find the following words in the grid below:

artichoke, asparagus, beans, beetroot, 
Bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, 
cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, 
fennel, garlic, ginger, green onion

September 17, 2022

Géographie : A word scramble puzzle for French learners

The exercise below is a bit more difficult than the ones I usually post here. But think of the subject, then you will be able to put the letters in the correct order.  


Word scramble puzzle for French learners

If you are lost, check out this list where you can find the English meaning of the words. However, be cautious, they are not in the correct order :-)


September 15, 2022

Occupations / 职业 : Chinese Vocabulary for Jobs

 A Matching Exercise

For those of you learning Chinese, I am posting a matching exercise today. It shouldn't be too difficult, but if you get lost, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you can find the words along with their pronunciation and meaning.

Professions in Chinese


口译员 kǒuyì yuán --- interpreter

September 13, 2022

Trabajos: A Quiz for Spanish Learners



Hace dos semanas publiqué un ejercicio de emparejamiento (matching exercise) sobre trabajos. En esta entrada puedes encontrar de nuevo una actividad que continúa ese tema. Ahora estoy publicando un quiz con 15 preguntas.

September 11, 2022

Ellentétek : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners


In the list below you can find 16 words. Your task is to find their antonyms in the spiral and to write the correct words next to their opposites. However, you can find only 15 Hungarian words in the spiral, so the solution is the word which has no antonym in this exercise. 

If you are stuck, or you would like to check your solution, just scroll down to the vocabulary section where you will find all the Hungarian words used in the exercise along with their English translation. 

Happy puzzle solving!

September 09, 2022

지리학 : A word scramble puzzle for learners of the Korean language

This exercise uses vocabulary that is upper intermediate or above. Still, I'm hoping you can figure it out. If not, look up the words in a dictionary or just scroll down to the vocabulary section, where you'll find the Korean words and their English equivalents. To start, though, make an effort to complete the exercise on your own.


September 07, 2022

Berufe: A Matching Exercise for German Learners


I made a matching exercise for you with German job vocabulary. I hope you will find it useful. If you feel lost, don't panic. You can always look up a word in a disctionary or just simply scroll down to the list of vocabulary where I give you the article of the words, the genitive, and plural ending, too. But first try to solve the puzzle without any additional help.

September 05, 2022

Professions: A Quiz for ESL students



Two weeks ago I posted a matching exercise about jobs and professions. Now I am posting a quiz which is a bit more difficult than the matching exercise but I am sure you can solve it.

September 03, 2022

Antonymes : A Word Search Puzzle for French Learners


Antonymes in French

You can find 16 French words in the list below, and a spiral with only 15 words. 

Your task is to find the antonyms in the spiral and to write the correct words next to their opposites.

The solution is the word which has no antonym in the spiral. 

September 01, 2022

地理 : A word scramble puzzle for learners of the Chinese language

I am posting a Chinese puzzle now that is a bit more difficult than the ones I made earlier. I wanted to be sure that you could solve it, so I am listing the Chinese words under the exercise again so that you can easily look up the Pinyin if you feel lost.


Word scramble puzzle with pinyin