Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching exercise featuring German words associated with professions. With two new exercises—a word scramble and a quiz—you now have the chance to review those words.
The word scramble
With the help of their German equivalents, unscramble the English words.
NERTPTERIER --- Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherin
CRRYBEAIKL --- Maurer, Maurerin
CTEEHAR --- Lehrer, Lehrerin
GAEDRNER --- Gärtner, Gärtnerin
REWITR --- Schriftsteller, Schriftstellerin
IRPTAEN --- Maler, Malerin
EMNIR --- Bergmann
BARRNIILA --- Bibliothekar, Bibliothekarin
ERKBA --- Bäcker, Bäckerin
RBAREB --- Friseur, Friseurin
CFEH, OOCK --- Koch, Köchin
NERISG --- Sänger, Sängerin
RECAND --- Tänzer, Tänzerin
TARCO --- Schauspieler, Schauspielerin
The Quiz
You can now put your memorization to the test by answering the questions on the quiz that is provided below. Review the words thoroughly before starting the test because only those on the above list will be understood.