October 13, 2022

蔬菜 / Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Chinese Learners



Find the Pinyin of the following words in the grid below:

洋蓟, 芦笋, 豆子, 红菜头, 甜椒

西兰花, 卷心菜, 胡萝卜, 菜花

芹菜, 玉米, 黄瓜, 茄子, 茴香

蒜, 生姜, 葱

October 11, 2022

Aves : Spanish Bird Names


Scenery with birds

A picture of 20 different birds is shown below, along with a list of bird names. Your task is to match the names with the pictures. If you find this exercise too difficult, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you will find the English translation of the Spanish bird names. I'm hoping you'll enjoy working out this puzzle.

October 09, 2022

Foglalkozások: A Match-up exercise for Hungarian Learners

A barber


I am posting an easy matching exercise with Hungarian vocabulary today. If you find it difficult, try to solve it with the help of the dictionary. If you are ready, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you can find the English translation of the Hungarian words used in the exercise.

October 07, 2022

Professions / 직업 : A Word Scramble and a Quiz for Korean Learners


A miner

Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching exercise featuring Korean words 
associated with professions. 

With two new exercises — a word scramble and a quiz — you now have the chance to review those words.

October 05, 2022

Gemüse : Eine Wortsuche


Rote Beete / beetroot

Find the following words in the grid below:

Artischocke, Spargel, Bohnen, Rote Beete, Paprika
Brokkoli, Rosenkohl, Kohl, Karotte, Blumenkohl
Sellerie, Mais, Gurke, Aubergine, Fenchel
Knoblauch, Ingwer, Frühlingszwiebel

October 03, 2022

Bird Names in English : A Matching Exercise for Advanced Learners


Owl, animated

I created a poster with pictures of 20 birds for you. Your task is to match the pictures with the bird names I've listed in alphabetical order. If you get stuck, you can either try to understand the definitions I pulled for you from the internet or look up the words in a dictionary. 

October 01, 2022

Le travail: An Easy Matching Exercise for French Learners



Today I am posting an easy exercise for French learners about professions.  First, try to solve it without any help. Once you are ready scroll down to the vocabulary section and check your solution.