Experience a summer adventure while improving your Hungarian vocabulary and spelling skills by trying our summer-themed word search puzzle. This engaging exercise is perfect for Hungarian learners who want to practice their vocabulary while relaxing under a tree or in the comfort of a cozy room. The words should be searched in every direction, as usual.
Find the below words in the grid.
Look for them in every direction, including diagonally and backward, too!
fagylalt, függőágy, görögdinnye, homokvár
hőség, kemping, limonádé, medence
napsugár, napszemüveg, óceán, pihenés
piknik, rövidnadrág, szandál
tengerpart, úszás, vakáció
fagylalt ice cream
függőágy hammock
görögdinnye watermelon
homokvár sandcastle
hőség heat
kemping camping
limonádé lemonade
medence pool
napsugár sunbeam
napszemüveg sunglasses
óceán ocean
pihenés rest
piknik picnic
rövidnadrág shorts
szandál sandals
tengerpart beach
úszás swimming
vakáció vacation