We have created a matching exercise with a winter theme for Hungarian language learners, which is provided below. I hope you do not find it overwhelming; however, if you do, simply scroll down to find the solutions and make an effort to commit to memory the words you have not yet encountered. Please return later if you want to find the additional exercises that we plan to develop using the same vocabulary.
(8) dér
(7) egyujjas kesztyű
(12) fenyőfa
(17) havazni
(1) hóember
(4) hóvihar
(5) jég
(14) jégcsap
(13) jégkorcsolyázás
(3) kesztyű
(10) nagykabát
(9) olvadni
(15) sál
(6) síelni
(16) szánkó
(2) Télapó
(11) tüsszenteni