February 25, 2024

Winter : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learner

Below, you will find a word search puzzle that we created for Hungarian learners. Look for the words horizontally, from left to right; vertically, from top to bottom; and diagonally, from top to bottom. Have fun!


Find the following words in the grid:

dér, fenyőfa, havazni, hóember, hóvihar
jég, jégcsap, jégkorcsolyázás, kesztyű, nagykabát
olvadni, sál, síelni, szánkó, Télapó
tüsszenteni, ujjatlan kesztyű

Winter : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

If you are interested in solving another exercise with the same vocabulary, click on the following link that leads you to a matching exercise.