February 21, 2024

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for German Learners

See below for a gardening-themed matching exercise for German learners. I hope you do not find it too difficult, but if you do, no problem: simply scroll down to find the answers. 

We will create additional exercises based on the same vocabulary, so please check back later if you are interested.

In the Garden

Connect the words with the corresponding pictures

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for German Learners


(15) Blumenbeet, das
(13) Boden, der
(10) Gabel, die
(1) Gartenbank, die
(14) Gartenschere
(12) Hacke, die
(6) Harke, die
(2) Hecke, die
(8) Nest, das
(4) Rasen, der
(11) Rasenmäher, der
(5) Sämling, der
(7) Schaufel, die
(3) Schubkarre, die
(9) Spaten, der

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it: