Solving word search puzzles is an excellent method for expanding your vocabulary in a foreign language. Below, you can find one that we created specifically for Korean learners. The words are hidden in two directions: horizontally, from left to right, and vertically, from top to bottom. Have fun!
Find the following words in the grid:
고드름, 녹다, 눈보라, 눈사람,
눈이 내린다, 벙어리 장갑, 산타 클로스,
서리, 소나무, 스카프, 스키를 타다,
썰매, 아이스 스케이팅, 얼음,
외투, 장갑, 재채기하다
If you are interested in solving another exercise with the same vocabulary, click on the following link that leads you to a matching exercise.