March 24, 2024

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

See below for a gardening-themed matching exercise we created for Hungarian learners. I sincerely hope you do not find it too challenging, but if you do, scroll down to get the solutions and memorize the new vocabulary. If you are interested, please take a moment to check back later, as we intend to create more exercises using the same vocabulary.

In the Garden

Connect the words with the corresponding pictures

In the Garden : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners


(9) ásó
(8) fészek
(11) fűnyíró
(6) gereblye
(4) gyep
(12) kapa
(1) kerti pad
(7) lapát
(14) metszőolló
(5) palánta
(2) sövény
(13) talaj
(3) talicska
(10) vasvilla
(15) virágágyás

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Bori Csege : Expand Your Hungarian Vocabulary : Animals -- Állatok

It is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores. 

Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.