Below you will find a crossword puzzle that we created for Chinese language learners. With this puzzle you can learn some useful gardening-related words; I hope you will enjoy solving it.
Write the pinyin into the squares!
3 草坪 (lawn)
6 铁叉 (garden fork)
7 土壤 (soil)
8 辘轳车 (wheelbarrow)
12 花坛 (flowerbed)
13 小铲子 (shovel)
14 巢 (nest)
1 割草机 (lawnmower)
2 花园长椅 (garden bench)
4 灌木篱 (hedge)
5 剪枝器 (pruner)
7 铁锨 (spade)
9 幼苗 (seedling)
10 锄头 (hoe)
11 耙子 (rake)
Previously, we published two exercises with the same vocabulary. So if you need help, go back to them to review the words before giving this puzzle a second try.
You can access them by clicking on the links below: