This blog post contains a simple crossword puzzle about animals that we created for French learners. This fun exercise will challenge your vocabulary and entertain you at the same time! So grab a pencil and prepare to fill in the blanks with the names of these cute and/or majectic animals!
Les animaux
1 koala
5 cheetah
8 giraffe
10 monkey
12 dolphin
13 bear
15 turtle
17 kangaroo
18 lion
19 crocodile
20 zebra
2 wolf
3 panda
4 tiger
6 penguin
7 elephant
9 rhino
11 roe deer
14 boar
16 fox
1 koala, 5 guépard, 8 girafe, 10 singe, 12 dauphin, 13 ours, 15 tortue, 17 kangourou, 18 lion, 19 crocodile, 20 zèbre
2 loup, 3 panda, 4 tigre, 6 pingouin, 7 éléphant, 9 rhinocéros, 11 chevreuil, 14 sanglier, 16 renard