May 01, 2023

Sports : A Matching Exercise for English Learners

Sports have an impact on our daily lives in a variety of ways. Sports, whether played or watched, can help people stay physically and mentally healthy, build relationships, and even inspire personal growth and achievement.

Therefore, we prepared a matching exercise with sports vocabulary for you and are publishing it in this blog post. We hope that it will be useful when conversing with your English-speaking friends. 


Sports vocabulary in English


2. archery
8. badminton
6. baseball
11. basketball
14. boxing
16. cycling
1. fencing
9. horse riding
7. running
13. skating
5. skiing
18. soccer
15. swimming
17. table tennis
4. tennis
10. volleyball
12. water polo
3. wrestling

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes : 
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way