Our latest blog post features a matching exercise designed for German language learners. Not only are matching exercises fun, but they're also an easy way to expand your vocabulary. In this exercise, you'll have colorful pictures of fruits with their corresponding names. Your task is to match them. Let's begin and see how many fruit names you can recognize!
Ananas pineapple
Apfel apple
Banane banana
Birne pear
Brombeere blackberry
Erdbeere strawberry
Himbeere raspberry
Kakifrucht persimmon
Kirsche cherry
Mandarine tangerine
Orange orange
Pfirsich peach
Pflaume plum
Traube grape
Wassermelone watermelon
Zitrone lemon
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Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:
The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store.
Just a couple of links where you can buy it: