May 17, 2023

Sports : A Matching Exercise for German Learners

Sports are important in many people's lives because they provide entertainment, exercise, and social interaction. As a result, we thought we should create a matching exercise for you to practice your German sports vocabulary. We did it, and we are sharing it in this blog post. We hope it helps you communicate with your German-speaking friends.


Sports vocabulary with text and pictures


6. Baseball
11. Basketball
2. Bogenschießen
14. Boxen
13. Eiskunstlauf
1. Fechten
8. Federball
18. Fußball
7. Laufen
16. Radfahren
9. Reiten
3. Ringen
15. Schwimmen
5. Skifahren
4. Tennis
17. Tischtennis
10. Volleyball
12. Wasserball

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it: