Look at the pictures and write the missing letters to complete the words! Just a heads up: The length of the underline symbol does not correlate with the number of letters missing from the words. Most likely, you will find this exercise to be very simple, but if not, simply scroll down to the end of this blog post to find the answers.
1. march__ tou__ dro__
2. doi__
3. ens__er
4. f__lle
5. gren__lle
6. f__e
7. à hui_ h__res
8. enn__. enn__
9. __tang
10. faut__
11. heur__, heur__
12. ch__ter
13. jou__
14. s__e
15. cad__
1. marchez tout droit : go straight
2. doigt: finger
3. enseigner: to teach
4. feuille: leaf
5. grenouille: frog
6. fille: girl
7. à huit heures: at eight o'clock
8. ennuyé. ennuyée: annoyed
9. étang: pond
10. fauteuil: armchair
11. heureux, heureuse: happy
12. chanter: to sing
13. jouet: toy
14. singe: monkey
15. cadeau: present, gift