February 18, 2023

Vegetables: A Matching Exercise for French Learners

Des légumes

You'll find a picture and a list of the names of 25 vegetables below. Your task is to match them. Though I hope you won't find it too difficult, if you do, feel free to look at the solution, which is provided further below.

A few weeks ago, I posted a word search game with a vegetable theme. You have the opportunity to review the words used in that puzzle because they are all used in the puzzle for today, along with a few others.

You can find that puzzle here if you'd like to solve it as well.

Des légumes

ail, artichaut, asperges, aubergine, betterave, brocoli, carotte,
céleri, chou, chou-fleur, Choux de Bruxelles, concombre, courgettes,
épinards, fenouil, gingembre, haricots, laitue, maïs, oignon,
oignon vert, pois, poivrons, radis, tomate

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1. maïs
2. betterave
3. ail
4. brocoli
5. carotte
6. gingembre
7. épinards
8. courgettes
9. oignon vert
10. tomate
11. asperges
12. oignon
13. concombre
14. fenouil
15. poivrons
16. Choux de Bruxelles
17. céleri
18. chou-fleur
19. haricots
20. pois
21. aubergine
22. chou
23. artichaut
24. laitue
25. radis