Below are 15 images and 15 Spanish sentences describing people's daily activities. However, some of the letters in the words are missing. The missing letters must be added, and after that, the sentences must be matched with the appropriate images.
If you find the exercise to be too challenging, scroll down to the end of this blog post, where you will find the solution as usual.
1. El ni_o desa_una en casa.
2. Ella lava __ rop_.
3. Por lo __neral, e__a se desp__rta temprano.
4. A ve_es, él prepar_ la _ena.
5. Por lo __neral, me ma___llo antes _e salir _e la casa.
6. Ella barre __ pis_.
7. Ella se _epi___ l_s dientes.
8. Normalmente ella se ba_a _ las nueve.
9. Despu_s de _epi__ar_e l_s dientes, me pein_.
10. Ella ha__ l_ compr_.
11. Ella lav_ l_s plat_s antes _e salir.
12. Él plan___ su camis_.
13. Yo ha_o la _ama en mi dormitori_.
14. Ella le_ un libro antes __ acostarse.
15. Ellos va_ _l colegio __ autobús.
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Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish