February 02, 2023

Vegetables: A Matching Exercise for Chinese Learners

蔬菜 Shūcài

Below you'll find a list of the names of the 25 vegetables shown in the images. Matching them is your task. I sincerely hope you won't find this puzzle to be too difficult, but if you do, feel free to refer to the solution, which is provided below.

I recently released a word search game with a vegetable theme. You have the opportunity to review those words in that word search puzzle because they are all used in the puzzle for today, along with a few others.

If you would also like to solve that puzzle, you can find it here.


菠菜 Bōcài
大蒜 Dàsuàn
灯笼椒 Dēnglóng jiāo
豆子 Dòuzi
胡萝卜 Húluóbo
花椰菜 Huāyēcài
黄瓜 Huángguā
茴香 Huíxiāng
卷心菜 Juǎnxīncài
芦笋 Lúsǔn
萝卜 Luóbo
茄子 Qiézi
芹菜 Qíncài
青葱 Qīngcōng
球芽甘蓝 Qiú yá gānlán
生菜 Shēngcài 
生姜  Shēngjiāng
甜菜 Tiáncài
豌豆  Wāndòu
西红柿 Xīhóngshì 
西葫芦 Xīhúlu
西兰花 Xī lánhuā
洋葱 Yángcōng
洋蓟  Yáng jì 
玉米 Yùmǐ

*   *   *


1. 洋蓟  Yáng jì 
2. 甜菜 Tiáncài
3. 西兰花 Xī lánhuā
4. 茄子 Qiézi
5. 胡萝卜 Húluóbo
6. 大蒜 Dàsuàn
7. 菠菜 Bōcài
8. 玉米 Yùmǐ
9. 灯笼椒 Dēnglóng jiāo
10. 生菜 Shēngcài 
11. 西葫芦 Xīhúlu
12. 卷心菜 Juǎnxīncài
13. 球芽甘蓝 Qiú yá gānlán
14. 洋葱 Yángcōng
15. 豌豆  Wāndòu
16. 芹菜 Qíncài
17. 生姜  Shēngjiāng
18. 花椰菜 Huāyēcài
19. 萝卜 Luóbo
20. 青葱 Qīngcōng
21. 黄瓜 Huángguā
22. 芦笋 Lúsǔn
23. 茴香 Huíxiāng
24. 西红柿 Xīhóngshì 
25. 豆子 Dòuzi