A picture and a list of the names of 25 vegetables are provided below. Your task is to match them. Though I hope you won't find it too challenging, if you do, you can find the answers at the bottom of this blog post, as usual.
A few weeks ago, I posted a vegetable-themed word search puzzle. Now you have the opportunity to review the words used in that puzzle because they are all used in this matching exercise too, along with a few others.
You can find the mentioned puzzle here if you are interested.
articsóka, bab, borsó, brokkoli, cékla, cukkini, édeskömény,
fokhagyma, gyömbér, hagyma, kaliforniai paprika, káposzta,
karfiol, kelbimbó, kukorica, padlizsán, paradicsom, retek,
saláta, sárgarépa, spárga, spenót, uborka, újhagyma, zeller
* * *
1. brokkoli
2. cékla
3. articsóka
4. káposzta
5. édeskömény
6. kaliforniai paprika
7. padlizsán
8. retek
9. uborka
10. cukkini
11. spárga
12. kelbimbó
13. újhagyma
14. spenót
15. gyömbér
16. saláta
17. borsó
18. karfiol
19. fokhagyma
20. kukorica
21. sárgarépa
22. hagyma
23. zeller
24. paradicsom
25. bab