We've already had a puzzle involving numbers. Click on the link to the Numbers in Spanish: A Crossword Puzzle if you'd like to solve that one as well.
We'll stick with that theme, but this time I've brought you a word search puzzle. To solve the puzzle, you must find the words in the grid that correspond to the numbers directly beneath it.
Words can be found in the grid in every direction, that is, horizontally from left to right and from right to left, vertically from top to bottom and from bottom to top, and diagonally in every thinkable direction.
Search for these numbers in the grid:
10, 13, 15, 16, 19,
22, 23, 24, 26, 33,
42, 46, 58, 61, 75,
84, 99, 100
10 - diez
13 - trece
15 - quince
16 - dieciséis
19 - diecinueve
22 - veintidós
23 - veintitrés
24 - veinticuatro
26 - veintiséis
33 - treinta y tres
42 - cuarenta y dos
46 - cuarenta y seis
58 - cincuenta y ocho
61 - sesenta y uno
75 - setenta y cinco
84 - ochenta y cuatro
99 - noventa y nueve
100 - cien
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Discover more puzzles in my book
Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish