Below are 25 pictures of vegetables along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them. While I sincerely hope you won't find this puzzle to be too challenging, you can always refer to the solution, which is provided further below.
A few weeks ago, I released a word search puzzle with a vegetable theme. You have the chance to review them since the puzzle for today uses all of those words as well as a few more.
If you would also like to solve that puzzle, you can find it HERE.
ajo, alcachofa, apio, berenjena, brócoli, calabacín, cebolla,
cebolla verde, col, coles de Bruselas, coliflor, espárragos,
espinacas, frijoles, guisantes, hinojo, jengibre, lechuga, maíz,
pepino, pimientos morrones, rábano, remolacha, tomate, zanahoria
* * *
1. alcachofa
2. col
3. coliflor
4. berenjena
5. espárragos
6. ajo
7. frijoles
8. maíz
9. pimientos morrones
10. apio
11. hinojo
12. remolacha
13. espinacas
14. tomate
15. guisantes
16. lechuga
17. rábano
18. brócoli
19. jengibre
20. cebolla verde
21. pepino
22. zanahoria
23. calabacín
24. cebolla
25. coles de Bruselas
* * *
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Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish