Below are 25 images of various vegetables along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them. I sincerely hope that you won't find this puzzle to be too challenging, but if you do, you can always look at the solution, which is provided at the end of this blog post.
I released a word search game with a vegetable theme a few weeks back. The puzzle for today uses all of those words (as well as a few more), so you have the chance to review them.
You can find that puzzle below if you'd like to solve it as well:
Artischocke, Aubergine, Blumenkohl, Bohnen, Brokkoli, Erbsen, Fenchel,
Frühlingszwiebel, Gurke, Ingwer, Karotte, Knoblauch, Kohl, Mais,
Paprika, Rettich, Rosenkohl, Rote Bete, Salat, Sellerie, Spargel,
Spinat, Tomate, Zucchini, Zwiebel
* * *
1. Fenchel
2. Karotte
3. Aubergine
4. Rosenkohl
5. Spargel
6. Artischocke
7. Salat
8. Kohl
9. Paprika
10. Erbsen
11. Sellerie
12. Brokkoli
13. Blumenkohl
14. Zucchini
15. Rettich
16. Tomate
17. Rote Bete
18. Frühlingszwiebel
19. Ingwer
20. Mais
21. Knoblauch
22. Bohnen
23. Gurke
24. Zwiebel
25. Spinat
* * *
Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:
The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store.
Just a couple of links where you can buy it: