September 30, 2023

Vehicles : A Matching Puzzle for French Learners

Embark on a journey through a vehicle matching puzzle right here. Your goal is uncomplicated: match the words with the fitting vehicle depictions. I'm quite certain you'll sail through this with ease. And if you want to make use of these words in other activities, be sure to explore the vehicle word search puzzle published in our blog.


Vehicles : A Matching Puzzle for French Learners


ambulance (ambulance)
avion (plane)
bus (bus)
camion de pompiers (fire truck)
hélicoptère (helicopter)
kayak (kayak)
métro (metro)
moto (motorbike)
train (train)
trottinette (scooter)
vaisseau spatial (spaceship)
vélo (bike)
voilier (sailing ship)
voiture (car)
voiture de police (police car)

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You can find more puzzles in our TpT store "Word Puzzle Corner". 

These collections are intended for French learners; we will add more in the coming weeks:

Les animaux de la ferme