October 04, 2023

Vehicles : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners

We have been publishing interesting exercises based on vocabulary related to vehicles over the last few weeks. For the time being, this is the last installment in the series made for German learners. In this segment, we present a fun word scramble puzzle, challenging you to unravel jumbled letters in order to correctly associate them with corresponding images. Please feel free to review any of our previous exercises, like the vehicle matching puzzle, if you are having trouble remembering the words. But do not forget to come back and solve this puzzle as well:-) Let us embrace the challenge and get started!


Vehicles : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners


Unscrable the jumbled words (---> ______________)
 and match them to the correct pictures (.....).

ABUHN  ---> __________ (.....)

AUOT ---> __________ (.....)

BCHAREHUSURB ---> __________ (.....)

SUB ---> __________ (.....)

EEFISGLHSCF ---> __________ (.....)

EOLRRL ---> __________ (.....)

FARRHDA ---> __________ (.....)

GEWRARUWNHEFEE ---> __________ (.....)

GZLEUUFG ---> __________ (.....)

GZU ---> __________ (.....)

HRUMFFSCIA ---> __________ (.....)

JAAKK ---> __________ (.....)

KWEERNKNGANA ---> __________ (.....)

ONWEGIAPIZEL ---> __________ (.....)

RTDMRAOO ---> __________ (.....)


airplane Flugzeug
ambulance Krankenwagen
bicycle Fahrrad
bus Bus
car Auto
firetruck Feuerwehrwagen
helicopter Hubschrauber
kayak Kajak
metro U-Bahn
motorcycle Motorrad
police car Polizeiwagen
sailing ship Segelschiff
scooter / kick scooter Roller
spaceship Raumschiff
train Zug

*   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it: