I'd like to share a crossword puzzle centered around vehicles with you. It's a fantastic way to test your knowledge and have some enjoyable moments at the same time. This occasion is very special because this is the first time that we have published a puzzle for Dutch learners on the blog. Enjoy! 😊
5 police car
8 train
10 spaceship
11 helicopter
12 kayak
14 airplane
15 bike
1 kick scooter
2 metro
3 car
4 motorbike
6 firetruck
7 sailing ship
9 ambulance
13 bus
* * *
auto : car
brandweerwagen : firetruck
bus : bus
fiets : bicycle
helikopter : helicopter
kajak : kayak
metro : metro
motorfiets : motorcycle
politieauto : police car
ruimteschip : spaceship
step : kick scooter
trein : train
vliegtuig : airplane
zeilschip : sailing ship
ziekenauto : ambulance