September 18, 2023

Vehicles : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

We created a series of exercises with vehicle words in the last few weeks for you. This is the last part of the series for now. This is a word cramble puzzle where you have to unscramble the letters to be able to match the words to the correct pictures. If you are lost, just go back to one of the previous exercises, for example, the matching puzzle on vehicles, and review the words with their help. But don't forget to come back to solve this puzzle, too :-) Enjoy!


Pictures of vehicles


Unscrable the jumbled words (---> ______________)
 and match them to the correct pictures (.....).

ACR ---> __________ (.....)
CBIYCLE ---> __________ (.....)
CIKK OOSRCET ---> __________ (.....)
EKRCFRITU ---> __________ (.....)
GLNISAI PSHI ---> __________ (.....)
IARTN ---> __________ (.....)
IHEREOTPLC ---> __________ (.....)
KKAAY ---> __________ (.....)
LAIPAENR ---> __________ (.....)
LOCIPE ACR ---> __________ (.....)
MNECBAULA ---> __________ (.....)
OMEROCCTYL ---> __________ (.....)
PCSIAHPSE ---> __________ (.....)
TMROE ---> __________ (.....)
UBS ---> __________ (.....)

*   *    *

Discover more puzzles in my book

Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes : 
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way