May 11, 2024

Nature : A Matching Puzzle for French Learners

Below you will find a matching exercise that we created for French learners. If it proves too challenging, don't worry; simply scroll down to the help section for the solutions.

This is the first part of a series where we will use different puzzles to practice the same vocabulary. We intend to make them available gradually in the next few weeks. So, if you are interested, check back later.


Nature : A Matching Puzzle for French Learners


tree -- arbre
mountain -- montagne
wave -- vague
island -- île
seashell -- coquillage, le
lake -- lac
valley -- vallée
rainbow -- arc-en-ciel
flood -- inondation
earthquake -- séisme, le
lightning -- foudre, la
desert -- désert
forest -- forêt
fly -- mouche, la
meadow -- prairie, la
sparrow -- moineau, le
leaf -- feuille, la
squirrel -- écureuil, le

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You can find more puzzles in our TpT store "Word Puzzle Corner". This collection is intended for French learners, and we will add more in the coming weeks:

Les animaux de la ferme