Showing posts with label Hungarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungarian. Show all posts

July 17, 2022

Word Cloud with the first lines of a Hungarian poem

Here is a word cloud with Hungarian words, but this time it hides not simple, detached words but something more complicated. 

From the words you can assemble the first four lines of a long epic poem written in the 19th century. 

The solution is the name of the (Hungarian) poet and the title of his work.

First four lines of a Hungarian epic poem

July 03, 2022

A Quote in Hungarian -- A Fallen Phrase

If you are familiar with this type of puzzles, just go ahead and solve it. You do not need this introduction. But if you do not know what is it all about, just wait, I am telling you the story of the board you are facing now. 

So, just to let you know, originally, all the letters were on the board, but something happened to them and they fell out of it. Now all the letters you need to reconstruct the quote originally written on the board are just under the column they belong to. However, it is not as simple as it may sound because they are scrambled.

Your task is to put the letters back on the board so that the message appears again. Be cautious! Words are separated by black squares, not by the end of a line.

A Fallen Phrase Puzzle in Hungarian

June 26, 2022

A Maze with a quote in Hungarian

I came across a quote on the internet and thought right away that you should read it as well.

It is a simple sentence in Hungarian. It shouldn't be too challenging for those of you who have been studying this language for about a year to comprehend what it means.

But first of all, find the Hungarian sentence in the maze. 


A Maze with a Quote in Hungarian

June 12, 2022


Egy magyar nyelvű idézet található a szókígyóban. A szerző nevét is belekevertük a szavak közé. 

Először különítsd el a szavakat, aztán írd le a plusz betűket a megjelenés sorrendjében. És már kész is vagy, megtaláltad a szerző nevét! :-)

Let me know if you need the solution. :-D

June 05, 2022

A word search puzzle with Hungarian body words

The puzzle below is quite easy. Words can go horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagontally from top to bottom.

Please, let me know if you need the solution.

May 29, 2022

Match-up exercise in Hungarian : Ruházat

 Kapcsold össze a képeket a jelentésükkel! 

It is an easy exercise for beginners. 

May 08, 2022

Match-up exercise -- Állatok

Gyakori állatnevek szerepelnek ebben a feladatban. 

A teendő: Össze kell kapcsolni a képeket a megfelelő állat nevével. 


May 01, 2022

Scrambled text in Hungarian (with audio)

Here is a short  excerpt from the Little Prince in Hungarian, 
but the sentences are in a random order. 

a) Nagy meglepetésemre egyszeriben fölragyogott az arca.

b) A rajz fölé hajolt.

c) - Hát mert nálam odahaza minden olyan kicsi...

d) - Biztosan elég lesz neki. Egészen kicsi bárány.

e) - Miért?

f) - Tessék - mondtam. - Ez itt a ládája. Benne van a bárány, amit akarsz.

g) - Nem is olyan kicsi... Nézd csak! Elaludt...

h) Így ismerkedtem meg a kis herceggel.

i) - Ez az! Éppen így akartam! Mit gondolsz, sok fű kell ennek a báránynak?

Your task is to put the sentences in the correct order.

The following audio may help you in solving the problem:

Source of the text and the audio: Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár

April 24, 2022

A cryptogram in Hungarian

A made a new cryptogram, this time in Hungarian. Usually I use letters, but now I wanted to try it out with numbers. I don't give away any letters, because this is a very easy puzzle -- just take a closer look at the author of the quotation and you will see. 

Yes, it is so easy :-)

April 03, 2022

A test részei

Here you can find a picture about the body parts in Hungarian. I hope you find it useful!

March 20, 2022

Match-up exercise -- food words in Hungarian

 Last but not least, here is the match-up exercise with food words -- in Hungarian. Enjoy!

March 06, 2022

Match-up exercise -- Az időjárás

I made a new worksheet with words about the weather in Hungarian.

If you wish you can download the picture or you can get the pdf HERE.