July 11, 2022

Fruits : A Crossword with English Fruit Names

I made a new crossword for English learners. As you can see, the theme of the crossword is FRUITS. 


July 09, 2022

L'appartement: A Word cloud with French words

 Try to find the French translations of the following words in the Word cloud below:

living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, attic, nursery, working room, cellar, garden, corridor, kitchen, bathroom

Les pièces d'un appartement

July 08, 2022

Missing Syllables in Korean Words


Look at the pictures below. What occupations do they show? 
Once you know the answer, go ahead, and complete the words with the missing syllables!

July 07, 2022

Match Up the Pictures with the Chinese Words

 Below you can find 10 words and 10 pictures.

Your task is to match the pictures with the correct Chinese words.



(dāo)电饭煲 (diànfànbāo)冬天 (dōngtiān)鸟窝 (niǎo wō)

吸尘器 (xīchénqì),  (gǒu), 炉子 (lúzǐ), 夏天 (xiàtiān), (jiǎo ),  (māo)




July 06, 2022

Which sentence belongs to which scene? Watch this short video and find out!

Below you can find 15 sentences. Please, read them first, then watch this short video.

Once you are ready, match the scenes in the video with the right sentences.

July 05, 2022

Sopa de letras para niños

 Aquí estoy publicando un rompecabezas para niños. Ellos deben encontrar las palabras siguientes en la cuadrícula: 

alacena, alfombra, aspiradora, cortina, escalera, horno, lavadora, mesa, pared, puerta, reloj, silla, sillón, sofá, televisión

Las palabras se pueden encontrar horizontalmente (hacia delante) y verticalmente (hacia abajo).

Sopa de letras para niños

July 03, 2022

A Quote in Hungarian -- A Fallen Phrase

If you are familiar with this type of puzzles, just go ahead and solve it. You do not need this introduction. But if you do not know what is it all about, just wait, I am telling you the story of the board you are facing now. 

So, just to let you know, originally, all the letters were on the board, but something happened to them and they fell out of it. Now all the letters you need to reconstruct the quote originally written on the board are just under the column they belong to. However, it is not as simple as it may sound because they are scrambled.

Your task is to put the letters back on the board so that the message appears again. Be cautious! Words are separated by black squares, not by the end of a line.

A Fallen Phrase Puzzle in Hungarian