April 19, 2022

ROPA (Primera parte) -- A Match-up Exercise in Spanish

Here is a new match-up exercise for you or for your students. I wanted to put more items on the worksheet, but there was not enough space on it, unfortunately. So this is the 1st part of a series which I will continue later.

April 16, 2022

Cryptogram in French

Inspirational quotes come handy in everyday life. This cryptogram hides a French "citation inspirante". 

I will upload the solution if needed.

April 14, 2022

Match-up exercise : Animal vocabulary in Chinese

Here is a simple exercise about animals. Your job is to write the corresponding letters to the animal names.

April 13, 2022

A Cloze Exercise in German -- VERBEN

Here is a cloze exercise for German learners. 

Your task is to fill in the sentences with the correct form of the word on brackets.

Heute habe ich einen sehr interessanten Mann ____________________. (kennenlernen)

____________ du _______ ins Schwimmbad? (mitkommen)

Die letzten zwei Wochen habe ich im Bett ____________. (liegen) 

Gestern _______  ich krank. (sein)

Ich habe leider den Bus ____________ . (verpassen) Der nächste ___________ in einer halben Stunde _____. (abfahren)

__________ Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular _______! (ausfüllen)

Vor zwei Stunden _______ wir in Berlin _________________ . (ankommen)

Ich habe meinen Laptop _________________ . (mitbringen)

Wir haben im Hotel ein Doppelzimmer _______________. (reservieren)

Was hast du _______________ ?  (sagen)

_________ nicht so laut! (sprechen) Das Kind ____________ noch. (schlafen)

I will post the solution in a week and link the new post with the correct sentences HERE.

*   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store; 
here are a few links where you can buy it:

April 12, 2022

Cloze Exercise in Spanish (Solution)

 On April 5th, 2022 
I posted a cloze exercise for beginners. 

Now I am posting the solution to it:

¿A qué hora empezamos?

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

¿Con quién quiere hablar?

¿De dónde viene Juan?

¿Qué haces ahora? ¿Estás traduciendo un artículo?

¿Dónde está Maria? Sin ella no podemos empezar.

¿A dónde vamos ahora?

¿Desde cuándo trabajas en esta empresa?

¿Por qué quieres ver esa película? Pienso que es aburrida.

¿Quién llama a la puerta?

¡Hola, Mark! ¿Cómo estás?

¿Qué libro quieres leer esta semana?

* * *
Discover more puzzles in my book

Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles : 
Clues in English, answers in Spanish

Crosswords for Spanish Learners

April 11, 2022

Clothes in English (Part 1) -- A Match-up Exercise

I created a worksheet with clothing words in English. It turned out that we use too many clothes, so I was not able to put all type of them on one sheet! I will create the next part(s) later. 

April 07, 2022

Scrambled text in Chinese

There is a famous book which was translated to Chinese, too. The sentences of  the below excerpt were mixed up. Your job is to unscramble them. 

a. “你是多么美丽啊!”

b. 小王子看出了这花儿不太谦虚,可是她确实丽姿动人。

c. 小王子很有些不好意思,于是就拿着喷壶,打来了一壶清清的凉水,浇灌着 花儿。

d. “是吧,我是与太阳同时出生的……”

e. “我刚刚睡醒,真对不起,瞧我的头发还是乱蓬蓬的……”

f. 她随后又说道:“现在该是吃早点的时候了吧,请你也想着给我准备一点……”

g. 花儿悠然自得地说:

h. 小王子这时再也控制不住自己的爱慕心情: