April 24, 2022

A cryptogram in Hungarian

A made a new cryptogram, this time in Hungarian. Usually I use letters, but now I wanted to try it out with numbers. I don't give away any letters, because this is a very easy puzzle -- just take a closer look at the author of the quotation and you will see. 

Yes, it is so easy :-)

Sopa de letras para adultos

 My new book is live on Amazon!

The hardback is available
in the following Amazon stores:

and the paperback is available here:

There are more than 1500 hidden words in 100 word word puzzles. 
The themes in the book range from everyday topics (the house, the school, weather) to more specific ones (like flowers, birds, fish and other animal names).

April 22, 2022

Match-up exercise -- Animal names in Korean


This is an easy exercise for you or for your students. As you may have guessed, your job is to write the corresponding letter to the animal names. Enjoy!

April 21, 2022

Solution to a Cloze Exercise in German

Last week I posted an exercise in German. Now I am providing the solution to those sentences. 

Heute habe ich einen sehr interessanten Mann kennengelernt.

Kommst du mit ins Schwimmbad?

Die letzten zwei Wochen habe ich im Bett gelegen

Gestern war ich krank.

Ich habe leider den Bus verpasst. Der nächste fährt erst in einer halben Stunde ab.

Füllen Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular aus!

Vor zwei Stunden sind wir in Berlin angekommen.

Ich habe meinen Laptop mitgebracht.

Wir haben im Hotel ein Doppelzimmer reserviert.

Was hast du gesagt

Sprich nicht so laut! Das Kind schläft noch.

April 19, 2022

ROPA (Primera parte) -- A Match-up Exercise in Spanish

Here is a new match-up exercise for you or for your students. I wanted to put more items on the worksheet, but there was not enough space on it, unfortunately. So this is the 1st part of a series which I will continue later.

April 16, 2022

Cryptogram in French

Inspirational quotes come handy in everyday life. This cryptogram hides a French "citation inspirante". 

I will upload the solution if needed.

April 14, 2022

Match-up exercise : Animal vocabulary in Chinese

Here is a simple exercise about animals. Your job is to write the corresponding letters to the animal names.