June 26, 2022

A Maze with a quote in Hungarian

I came across a quote on the internet and thought right away that you should read it as well.

It is a simple sentence in Hungarian. It shouldn't be too challenging for those of you who have been studying this language for about a year to comprehend what it means.

But first of all, find the Hungarian sentence in the maze. 


A Maze with a Quote in Hungarian

June 23, 2022

Word Cloud with Chinese words

The word cloud below was created on the website called Word Art.

You can find the link to their website here: https://wordart.com

Upon the request of the Word Art website, the picture is for personal use only. 

June 22, 2022

Berufe -- Vokalsuche

Wieder ein Arbeitsblatt für Sie oder Ihre Schüler. Die Aufgabe ist es, die Wörter mit den fehlenden Vokalen zu ergänzen. In ein paar Wochen kehren wir noch zu diesen Bildern zurück. 


June 21, 2022

Match up the definitions with the Spanish words



Can you pair the definitions with the correct words? 

Below you can find 10 sentences, each of them describing a thing, an animal, a concept etc.

Your task is to match them with the correct Spanish keywords.



el aspirador, el cuchillo,  el gato, el horno, el invierno, el jueves, 

el nido, el pie,  el sábado, el verano

June 20, 2022

The flat

In this short video you can see 5 essential rooms in a flat:

the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom, the nursery and the bathrom.


June 18, 2022

A famous line from a novel : A maze in French

We hid the well-known opening sentence of a book in the maze down below. First find your way through the maze to get the sentence, and then find out who wrote the novel and what its title is.



June 15, 2022

A word cloud with German words

There are 32 German words in the word cloud below. All of them designate positive characteristics. Can you find all of them? 😉