I created a crossword with 16 new "HSK 1" words (new HSK means HSK 3.0). The clues are in Chinese (with English translation) and your job is to enter the Pinyin for them.
Across: 3 出去 (to go out) 6 北边 (North side) 7 爱好 (hobby) 8 病人 (patient) 9 半年 (half a year) 10 常常 (often) 12 唱歌 (to sing) | Down: 1 不客气 (You're welcome) 2 不用 (no need) 3 吃饭 (to eat, to have meal) 4 百 (hundred) 5 别人 (other people) 6 包 (bag) 8 帮忙 (to help) 10 车票 (ticket) 11 车站 (station) |
And HERE is the printable version.