January 13, 2023

Numbers in Korean : A Matching Exercise

 수학 : Mathematics

Basic Maths Symbols
You'll find two lists below. There are additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions in the first list; the answers are in the second list. You have to pair them up.

I'm going to give you four words that will be useful in your endeavors to figure out the answer to the exercise.

However, if there are any points where you are still unsure, simply scroll down to the end of this blogpost to find the solutions to the exercise.

Useful vocab

더하기: plus

빼기: minus

곱하기: times

나누기: divided

January 11, 2023

Missing Letters in German Words


Look at the illustrations, then complete the gaps in the words. Just a heads up: The length of the underline symbol does not match the number of letters missing from the words. You will probably find this exercise to be quite simple, but if not, simply scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the answers.

January 09, 2023

Vegetables: A Matching Exercise for English Learners



You can find 25 vegetable images and a list of their names below. Your task is to match them. I hope you won't find this puzzle too difficult, but if you are unsure of the answers, you can always check the solution, which can be found further below.

I published a vegetable-themed word search puzzle a few weeks ago. Now that the puzzle for today uses all of those words (as well as a few more), you have the chance to review them.

January 07, 2023

House Object: A Word Search Puzzle for French Learners


There are images of various objects below, along with a word search puzzle. You must first locate the words for the pictures in the grid before matching them to the corresponding images. The words can be found in the grid in every direction: vertically from top to bottom and from bottom to top, horizontally from left to right and from right to left, and diagonally in every possible direction. Words can cross each other and share letters. I hope you are able to solve this double puzzle, but if you find it too difficult, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog post, where you will find the solutions as usual.

January 05, 2023

Numbers in Chinese : A Crossword Puzzle

数字 Shùzì Numbers

Illustriation for the topic

Do you know the numbers in Chinese? If so, you should have no trouble finishing the crossword puzzle below. Simply perform the calculations and enter the answer in each square using pinyin. You can find the answer at the bottom of this blog post if you are unsure about anything, though.

January 03, 2023

Missing letters in Spanish Words


Examine the images, then fill in the blanks to make the words complete. Just a warning: The number of letters missing from the words does not correspond to the length of the underline symbol. Most likely, this exercise will be very simple for you, but if it isn't, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the solutions.

January 01, 2023

School vocabulary in Hungarian : A Word Scramble Puzzle


School vocab in Hungarian

Below, you can see a lot of jumbled-up Hungarian words. They are all connected to education. Your task is to write the words down after you've unscrambled the letters. Don't worry if you get stuck. As always, the answers are provided at the end of this entry.