You can find 15 Spanish words in the spiral below, and 16 words in the list.
First find the Spanish words in the spiral and write the correct ones next to their antonyms.
Your task is to find the word that doesn't have an antonym in the spiral.
If you need help, scroll down to the vocabulary section, where you can find the words listed in alphabetical order, along with their English equivalents.
aburrido (bored, boring)
bonito (nice)
bueno (good)
complicado (complicated)
conocido (known)
débil (weak)
desconocido (unknown)
difícil (difficult)
enfermo (sick)
fácil (easy)
feliz (happy)
feo (ugly)
fuerte (strong)
interesante (interesting)
joven (young)
lento (slow)
limpio (clean)
malo (bad)
nervioso (nervous)
pobre (poor)
rápido (fast)
sano (healthy)
simple (simple)
sucio (dirty)
tarde (late)
temprano (early)
tranquilo (calm)
triste (sad)
vacío (empty)
viejo (old)
* * *
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Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
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