Professions : A Matching Exercise for ESL Students
I made two puzzles about professions today. Now I am posting the first one which is a matching exercise. The second one is a quiz with 15 questions that I will post in about two weeks. In my opinion, this matching exercise is the easier one. Your task is to match the professions with the descriptions. If you are stuck, just scroll down to the vocabulary section.
Enjoy!actor, baker, beautician, bricklayer, cook, dancer, gardener, hairdresser, interpreter, librarian, miner, painter, singer, teacher, writer
A. a person who works in a mine, producing coal or metallic ores
B. a person who sings, especially one who earns a living by singing
C. This word has two meanings. First, it denotes an artist who paints pictures. Secondly, it denotes a person whose job is painting buildings.
D. a person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation
E. a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., especially as an occupation or profession
F. a person whose occupation is making and tending gardens
G. a person who builds walls or buildings using bricks, especially as a job
H. a person who works professionally in a library providing access to information.
I. a person whose job is giving people beauty treatments such as doing their nails, treating their skin, and putting on their make-up.
J. a person who makes bread and cakes, especially as a trade.
K. a person who prepares and cooks food, especially as a job or in a specified way.
L. a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.
M. a person who teaches, especially in a school.
N. a person who dances or whose profession is dancing.
O. a person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally or into sign language.
A. miner, B. singer, C. painter, D. hairdresser, E. writer, F. gardener, G. bricklayer, H. librarian, I. beautician, J. baker, K. cook, L. actor, M. teacher, N. dancer, O. interpreter
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English |
Spanish |
German |
French |
Hungarian |
actor baker beautician bricklayer cook dancer gardener hairdresser interpreter librarian miner painter singer teacher writer |
actor panadero cosmetólogo albañil cocinero bailarín jardinero peluquero intérprete bibliotecario minero pintor cantante profesor escritor |
Schauspieler Bäcker Kosmetikerin Maurer Koch Tänzer Gärtner Friseur Dolmetscher Bibliothekar Bergmann Maler Sänger Lehrer Schriftsteller |
acteur boulanger esthéticien maçon cuisinier danseur jardinier coiffeur interprète bibliothécaire mineur peintre chanteur, chanteuse professeur écrivain |
színész pék kozmetikus kőműves szakács táncos kertész fodrász tolmács könyvtáros bányász festő énekes tanár író |