Showing posts with label Korean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean. Show all posts

April 07, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for Korean Learners : A Matching Puzzle

In the exercise below, you can match Korean words with pictures of common kitchen items. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary in this area. For those who have already learned close to 1,000 Korean words and want to challenge themselves, this puzzle is an excellent exercise. Let's get started!

March 24, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for Korean Learners

Positive quote

You can find a word search puzzle below. In the grid, there are 18 Korean words related to positive feelings or positive personal traits. Can you find all of them? 

If you feel that the exercise is too challenging, scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the words that are concealed in the grid. 

March 10, 2023

Daily Routine: Missing Letters in Korean Sentences

Here are 15 pictures of people going about their daily lives along with 15 Korean sentences. However, some of the letters in the words are missing. After filling in the missing letters, the sentences and corresponding images must be matched.

If you find the exercise to be too challenging, scroll down to the end of this blog post, where you will find the solution as usual.

February 24, 2023

Numbers in Korean: A Matching Puzzle

Korean numbers

You can see Korean numbers in the picture below. Match them up with the English numbers that can be found immediately beneath the image. But be cautious! One of the English numbers doesn't have its Korean counterpart. Which one?

February 10, 2023

Vegetables: A Matching Exercise for Korean Learners



Below, you'll find a picture of 25 vegetables along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them. Although I hope you won't find this puzzle too challenging, if you do, feel free to look at the solution, which is provided further below.

I recently released a word search game with a vegetable theme. All of the words from that word search puzzle, along with a few others, are used in the puzzle for today, so this is a chance for you to review them.

If you would also like to solve that puzzle, you can find it here.

January 27, 2023

Missing Syllables in Korean Words


After viewing the illustrations, complete the missing syllables in the words. You can find the answers at the bottom of this blog post if you don't think this exercise is that simple.

January 13, 2023

Numbers in Korean : A Matching Exercise

 수학 : Mathematics

Basic Maths Symbols
You'll find two lists below. There are additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions in the first list; the answers are in the second list. You have to pair them up.

I'm going to give you four words that will be useful in your endeavors to figure out the answer to the exercise.

However, if there are any points where you are still unsure, simply scroll down to the end of this blogpost to find the solutions to the exercise.

Useful vocab

더하기: plus

빼기: minus

곱하기: times

나누기: divided

December 30, 2022

House Object : A Word Search Puzzle for Korean Learners


A word search puzzle and images of various objects can be found below. You must locate the picture's words in the grid and then pair them with their corresponding images. 

You can find the words horizontally from left to right, and vertically from top to bottom. Words can share syllables and cross each other. One of the words can be found twice in the grid. Your task is to find out which one.

I hope you can easily solve this double puzzle. But if you need help, just scroll down to the bottom of this entry where you can find the solution as usual.

December 16, 2022

School vocabulary in Korean : A Word Scramble Puzzle


School vocab in Korean

In this entry you will find a list of Korean syllables. English words that are all connected to schools are listed beneath them. Your job is to create the Korean translations from the jumbled syllables and then write them down next to their English eqiuvalents.
Don't worry if you get stuck. After this entry, you'll find the usual list of solutions.

December 02, 2022

What are they doing? : A Matching Exercise for Korean Learners


Doing the washing up

Below you will find 15 pictures and 16 Korean sentences. Your task is to match the pictures with the sentences. One sentence has no corresponding picture, though. 

I believe this exercise is not too difficult because I used only basic Korean words for it, but if you still find it challenging, don't be upset. Scroll down to the end of this entry, where you will find the solution as usual. Learn them, and be sure to solve the puzzle again in a few days. 

November 18, 2022

Korean Novels : A Matching Exercise


King Sejong

Below are 12 book titles, all of which were written by South Korean authors. The same novels' titles are also listed in Korean below this section, and further down is a section with the authors' names in Hangul. Your task is to match the titles in English with the Korean titles and find the names of their authors too. Although the task shouldn't be too difficult, I'll leave you with the solution at the end of this post, just in case. But first, try figuring it out on your own to see if you can.

November 04, 2022

Bird Names in Korean : A Matching Exercise


Below is a list of 20 different bird names and a picture of each bird. Your task is to match the names with the pictures. If you think this exercise is too challenging, you can find the English translations of the Korean bird names in the vocabulary section, which is further down. I hope you'll have fun solving this puzzle. 

October 21, 2022

야채 / Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Korean Learners



Find the following words in the grid below:

아티초크, 아스파라거스, 콩
비트, 피망, 브로콜리
브뤼셀 새싹, 양배추, 당근
콜리플라워, 셀러리, 옥수수
오이, 가지, 회향, 마늘, 생강, 파

October 07, 2022

Professions / 직업 : A Word Scramble and a Quiz for Korean Learners


A miner

Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching exercise featuring Korean words 
associated with professions. 

With two new exercises — a word scramble and a quiz — you now have the chance to review those words.

September 23, 2022

Professions in Korean : 직업

 A Matching Exercise

Today I am publishing a matching exercise for those of you learning Korean. I don't think it's too difficult, but if you get lost, scroll down to the vocabulary section to find the words as well as their pronunciation and definitions.

Professions in Korean


가수 gasu --- singer

광부 gwangbu --- miner

September 09, 2022

지리학 : A word scramble puzzle for learners of the Korean language

This exercise uses vocabulary that is upper intermediate or above. Still, I'm hoping you can figure it out. If not, look up the words in a dictionary or just scroll down to the vocabulary section, where you'll find the Korean words and their English equivalents. To start, though, make an effort to complete the exercise on your own.


August 26, 2022

Antonyms: A Match-up Exercise in Korean with Audio

A Match-up Exercise -- Korean Sentences with Audio

Small -- Big : Antonymes in Korean sentences

I am posting a match-up exercise for Korean learners today. 

There are 14 Korean sentences listed in Hangul below, and 14 more are listed as mp3 files. An adjective appears in each of the written sentences, and its opposite appears in each of the mp3 sentences.

Your task is to find the opposite pairs.  

If you are stuck, no problem. Just scroll down to the Help section where you can find the  solutions and also the translation of the sentences.

The audio may not work on mobile devices, but it should work fine on laptops.

August 12, 2022

과일 / Fruits: A match-up exercise for Korean learners

A wanted to make a crossword about fruits in Korean, but after a while I just gave up.  Instead, I made this match-up exercise for you. I hope, you will enjoy it.

Fruit names in Korean

July 29, 2022

The Months in Korean. A Wordsearch Puzzle for Beginners

This time, I am posting an easy wordsearch puzzle for children or for beginners.

Your task is to find the names of the months in the grid below. The words can share syllables.

Word search puzzle in Korean

July 08, 2022

Missing Syllables in Korean Words


Look at the pictures below. What occupations do they show? 
Once you know the answer, go ahead, and complete the words with the missing syllables!