June 14, 2023

Sports : Multiple Choice Exercise for German Learners

This is the third installment in our sports series. Before we move on to a new topic, please complete the multiple-choice exercise below. It will help you assess your mastery of the vocabulary from the previous two exercises. Best of luck to you!


1. Welcher Sport wird mit einem runden Ball gespielt?
a) Fußball
b) Schwimmen
c) Radfahren
d) Wasserball

2. Welcher Sport beinhaltet das Schwimmen in einem Becken?
a) Fußball
b) Wasserball
c) Radfahren
d) Skifahren

June 12, 2023

Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

I have created a word search puzzle for you, designed to enhance your practice of animal vocabulary in English. Word search puzzles are immensely popular and widely used as engaging learning tools for various reasons. Not only are they entertaining and enjoyable, but they also offer numerous benefits for cognitive development and language acquisition. So let's get started!

June 10, 2023

Sports : A Matching Exercise for French Learners

Many people place a high value on sports. Sports can be a source of personal and economic development by allowing people to improve their physical fitness, teamwork, leadership, and other important life skills. Previously, we did not provide a lot of sports vocabulary, but that will now change. The first of these exercises is available below (the next ones will be available in a few weeks). We hope you will be able to use the words in them when conversing with your French-speaking friends.

June 08, 2023

Sports : A Word Search Puzzle for Chinese Learners

Starting two weeks ago, we launched a sports series on our blog. Our first puzzle was a matching game where you had to link 16 images with their Chinese names. Now, we have a brand new puzzle for you, utilizing the same sports-related vocabulary. Check out our word search puzzle below, and challenge yourself to find all the hidden words in the grid. It's highly recommended that you complete the first matching exercise on sports, too, to gain the most from our exercises. We hope these exercises will help you remember the spelling and meaning of sports-related words.

June 06, 2023

Sports : A Multiple Choice Exercise for Spanish Learners

This is the third part of our sports series, and before we start a new topic, I'd like you to complete the below multiple-choice exercise, too. With its help, you can check if you have mastered the vocabulary from the previous two exercises. I wish you the best of luck! 


 1. ¿Cuál de los siguientes deportes se juega con un balón redondo?
a) Fútbol
b) Natación
c) Ciclismo
d) Waterpolo

2. ¿En qué deporte se nada en una piscina?
a) Fútbol
b) Natación
c) Ciclismo
d) Bádminton

June 04, 2023

Fruits: A Matching Exercise for Hungarian Learners

In our most recent blog post, you can find a matching exercise. We enjoy matching games a lot because they are entertaining and helpful for language learners. By putting fruit pictures and their names together, you can quickly expand your vocabulary on this subject. Check it out and see how many fruits you can correctly match.

June 02, 2023

Sports : A Matching Exercise for Korean Learners

Sports are important for many reasons, such as promoting physical fitness, developing teamwork and leadership skills, enhancing mental toughness, and providing opportunities for socialization and enjoyment. They can also serve as a means for personal growth, cultural exchange, and economic development. We will be providing sports-related vocabulary exercises in the upcoming weeks, and we hope they will be useful for conversing with Korean-speaking friends.