I have created a word search puzzle for you, designed to enhance your practice of animal vocabulary in English. Word search puzzles are immensely popular and widely used as engaging learning tools for various reasons. Not only are they entertaining and enjoyable, but they also offer numerous benefits for cognitive development and language acquisition. So let's get started!
Find the below words in the grid. They can be found horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally also from top to bottom.
bear, boar, cheetah, crocodile, dolphin
elephant, fox, giraffe, kangaroo, koala
lion, monkey, panda, penguin, rhinoceros
roe, tiger, turtle, wolf, zebra
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Discover more puzzles in my book
Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes :
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way